In celebration of National Poetry Day and Throwback Thursday, here's a bit of a poem I wrote about 15 years ago. Enjoy, my friends.
Where is my mind?
In a carrion fertilized field, rubbing
at the spot on my hand,
Doing clandestine reconnaissance,
somewhere in southern Thailand.
On the monorail at the Bronx zoo,
Wondering what else your hands can do.
It's wrapped around your mouth; finding
us the perfect house,
Wandering through forgotten dreams
silenced by the South.
It's writing a three part saga, guess
who I made the hero?
It's bending scent, folding time to
begin again at zero.
It's fighting numbness, compliance and
Yet seeking your acceptance, how’s
that for irony?
Where is my mind?
It's off looking for company, it's
tracing the lines of a body,
Sensuously blended angles and curves; its living trigonometry.
Between my hands where I want your face
Or wherever I left my toothpaste
Maybe behind the dryer, with all my
missing socks
Or meeting one of you in the bar around
the block.
It's in Tahiti on one of those natural
water slides,
Taking back a rejected kiss that I
never should have tried.
It's arguing with my heart about
letting you in
And busy rewriting the definition of
Where is my mind?
Where hasn’t it