Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom is Worth Celebrating

Today is the Fourth of July - Independence Day in the United States, the country of which I happen, by the random draw of fate and DNA, to have been born a citizen.

There have been times when I have felt better about the current state of the US, when it has been easier to carry the responsibility of being an America, when we had been hurt, and rallied to regroup, when we came together with more obvious love, and less dissension.  But there has never, and there will never, be a time when I am not grateful for the freedom it provides.

Freedom always deserves gratitude, defense and expansion. Freedom is still worthy of celebration.

Today, on the 4th of July, in spite of our flaws, our ugly, battle scarred, mistake-riddled history, I'm taking a moment to be grateful, to honor the sacrifice and to call for the proliferation, not of patriotism, but of freedom.

So, like, go celebrate.  Make a cake or something.  Shoot off some fireworks (Make sure your pets are safe.)  Grill a burger.  Spend the afternoon with your kids.  Not because it's tradition, not because you feel should, but simply because you can.