Wednesday, June 30, 2021

A Cord of Three


Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Ecclesiastes 4:12


Motivation, or lack of it, has been one of the biggest barriers to my pursuance of my original fiction writing in the past few years. From 2012, when I started my novel, until 2018 when I finished the first, well, really 14th, but, my fellow writers you all know how that goes, draft, I managed to find the time and inspiration to continue. The words and the story and, most important to me of all, the theme, filled my heart and soul so completely, there was no alternative but to allow them to spill out of my fingers and onto the page. 

Once it was complete (imperfect, but complete) something in my brain checked it off the to-do list. I considered it done, and I was ready to move on. But the truth is, it was far from done. It was unread and unpublished. Considering the reason I wrote it in the first place was to awaken what seemed to me an unaware and/or uncaring world to a specific, crucial and potentially lifesaving cause, writing it and not sharing it, in truth, is analogous to not having written it at all. I had done the work, but was too afraid to 'turn it in.' 

A common roadblock, I expect, for first time novelists. You write the thing. You are exhausted. You share it with a couple of beta readers that you love and trust. They give you feedback you need and want. But that feedback reminds you of what your heart already knew, what your brain was trying to trick you into forgetting: it isn't done. You're crushed. You're busy. You feel the changes necessary are insurmountable. You think it really isn't all that good anyway, so why spend any more time on it? 

Or at least that's what I did. 

Until recently, when, through a sort of magical serendipitous alignment of the universe, I realized what was really the problem. And here, patient readers, if you've made it this far, you shall see what a verse  from the Christian Bible and a random quote from a Japanese anime series have to do with this rambling, somewhat self-pity filled post.  

You can only go so far by yourself. 

There's a place you just can't reach, 

unless you have a dream to big to bare alone.”

Mitsurou Kubo 

Even in writing, a traditionally solidary occupation. Eventually, in order to success, to fully reach and achieve your dreams, you need others. When you are alone, guilt, fear, distraction, despair, frustration, writer's-block, call-it-what-you-will can easily overpower you. If you have someone else to be accountable to, someone else who is also on the same journey, who cares and reciprocates your attention and your respect, you can go farther. And, like the verse says, a third only serves to strengthen that resolve and dedication. A thread of one, easily snaps under the slightest pressure. But a cord of three is not so easily broken. 

I'm fortunate to have several folks who, in one way or another, support my writing journey. But two in particular happen to be instrumental in helping my heart shift back to focusing on my original fiction and also have inspired me to pick up the proverbial pen (okay, laptop) and resume some form of regular activity on this blog. 

You see, this is merely an inspiration by emulation.  Both of these powerful, inspirational writings also have blogs of their own. Reading their daily posts have inspired me to rejoin the blogsphere myself. 

Viv blogs the way she writes, boldly and bravely, about her life, her writing journey and, most wonderfully, her 'true seven', the lead characters in her breathtaking work in progress, The Angels of Daria.  Bonus: If it's Monday, there's also music. Also, her dog is delightfully ridiculous. 

The third strand in my cord of three blogs All About Trixie. She's one of the busiest people I know but still has made it a priority to write and blog every single day. Her commitment and dedication to not 'break the chain', combined with the depth and complexity of her writing, are positively awe-inspiring. Bonus: Occasional tongue-in-cheek love-filled critiques of selected works in the Trixie Belden series. 

Reading these blogs every day makes my life better, makes my writing better, makes me better. 

And you know what? It's been a rough few years. 

Better sounds good. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Out of the Woods

 View of the Hudson Valley from Glorie Farm, Marlboro, NY
Spent much of the time since my last post in the woods. Partly because for the past fifteen months due to the global pandemic, it's been the only place I've felt safe and partly, okay, mostly, because the woods are my sanctuary. This is true in both a literal and literary sense. 
Hiking in the woods makes me feel calmer, disconnected from our in some ways empowering but in other ways debilitating, digital world. It's an escape, a way to clear one's mind and think, explore and simply enjoy the natural beauty and magic of the earth we all live on. 
If I think about my writing in this context, it has recently become clear to me that my fanfic work, which I truly love and enjoy is analogous to my walks in the woods: necessary, fortifying, soul-strengthening, but... safe. 

The time may now be here, as a writer, to come out. To exit the sanctity of the woods, and take the leap into a full and determined pursuance of original writing. Considering I have a finished first draft of an original novel, which has been beta read and, if I am brave and honest with myself, I can more or less objectively say needs work but really isn't bad at all, it's not like I would be starting from scratch. 

There's a lot you can learn in the woods, crafts to be honed, connections to be made, realizations to be had, friendships to find and forge. But the hike always has to end. At the end of the day, you have take what you found, learned and discovered and bring it home. 

I may have reached the point of my writing journey where I am finally there. I know I've wanted to be for a while, and I have made efforts in the past to try to be. But sometimes, one has to be patient (not something I'm stellar at) and wait for the universe to align you with your dreams. When that happens, one has to find the courage to take the leap. 

Courage isn't exactly my strong suit either, but if I managed to make it through the patience part of this already, maybe I can do the courage part too. 

Especially because I've found people to take the journey with me. 

More on that in my next post. 😊